Make Sure Kristen Lindsey does NOT have a successful appeal on her Veterinary License

The Texas Board has voted to revoke the Veterinary License of Kristen Lindsey, the sadist who killed a domestic cat named Tiger with an arrow through his head and posted a grinning photo with the poor Tiger’s body on her Facebook page. It is said she intends to appeal the decision to have her Vet license revoked. As a Texan, I don’t want anyone like this sadist to be anywhere near animals in a professional capacity, and I support the decision to take her license. Secondarily, even if she keeps her license via appeal, my crew and many other Anons hereby publicly indicate we will make any business that hires her as a Veterinarian, as an Anon target and make them wish they never hired her.

It is altogether proper for other Texans who feel as I do, to contact their Texas state legislators and indicate they will not tolerate anyone as a Veterinarian who kills domestic animals for fun.

In a subsequent post, I will list contact points for Texans who wish to contact their state legislators about the issue.

For more info on this issue, one place to check out is this Facebook page

THanks for reading this.


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